Medics rules:
- Each medic will receive a diagnosis card (one or more at the discretion of the Game Masters) with zones to scratch.
- Each zone will contain information about what part of the hit player’s body was injured and to what degree.
- The scratch zones are shuffled so that the same diagnosis is not in the same place on the different cards.
- Diagnoses range from zero injury to KIA. Medics are not allowed to scratch more than one zone for a player (to avoid severe diagnosis) because for each scratched zone there must be one TCCC card filled.
- Medics will not get a new card until they has used all the diagnoses of one card.
- In addition to the diagnosis card, each medic will also receive a deck of TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) cards. While healing a player, the medic will have to fill in the corresponding card for him. Data as: player’s name or nick, gender, date of injury, start time of treatment, which fraction and unit he is from, whether he has any allergies are filled in on the card. Also what the injury is from and what part of the body is affected (marked on the body sketch). Data is also filled in about what symptoms the player has – pulse, blood pressure, saturation, degree of pain, number of breaths per minute (approximate).
- Before starting the treatment, the medic must ensure that the affected player has a white velcro strip/bandage to act as a bandage. If the player doesn’t have one, he won’t be healed and goes straight to the respawn zone.
- In order to receive a new card with diagnoses, the medic must hand over to the game master a completely used card and the corresponding number of TCCC cards.
The idea of this exercise is not to make the life difficult for medics, but to get as close as possible to recreating a real situation/treatment. Also, the time to treat injuries is not lost, and this will give interesting statistics about injuries after the game.
Bleeding – The hit player has a MANDATORY BLEED TIME of 10 minutes at the position where they are hit. During the “bleed”, the affected player is not allowed to communicate, move and shoot. He only has the right to call “medic”. If he has a tourniquet (real or replica), placing it doubles the player’s bleeding time (20 min). Getting hit again has no effect on the injured player (doesn’t change the bleed time or send him to the dead).
Wounded Withdrawal – An injured player can be slowly (without running) withdrawn within the “bleed” time from a living player by first removing their orange marker.
Healing – At the beginning of the healing time, the medic removes the marking vest/hat. The medic should start treatment within the 10 minute (20 with tourniquet in place) “bleed out” time. Healing is done by selecting a position from the diagnosis card to determine the damage and the corresponding treatment. Each player can be healed MULTIPLE TIMES.
IMPORTANT: A hit player who does NOT have a WHITE VELCRO/BANDAGE on them CANNOT BE TREATED. He goes to the “respawn zone” after the 10/20 minutes of “bleeding”. One reusable white velcro/bandage per player is required. We recommend a strip of white Velcro.
Full rules for Viper 6 can be found at